Sunday, November 22, 2009

AP Quiz: Basics

Copyediting: Basic AP Style
JCOM 1130—Basic Newswriting

AP Style and Usage. The following sentences contain a variety of errors. Using your AP Stylebook (and any other resource you think you need), edit/correct the copy for fact errors and to conform to AP style and standard spelling/grammar /punctuation. Do not rewrite the sentences. Simply correct the errors and save the document as LastnameAPquiz.doc, and send the corrected version back to Professor Pease. Deadline: Sunday, Nov. 29.

1. John and his four year old daughter ate fourteen donuts and drank 2 cokes each at the street fair. Both had awful gas as a result.

2. Because Johns daughter, Lisa, is smaller and weighs only about 35 lbs, she ate less donuts then her Dad.

3. The street fair was outside the house that was being built by the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition TV show at 1267 North 600 West in Logan, UT.

4. The logan city council proclaimed the Event was proclaimed Pauni Family Day

5. The Pauni’s are a Tongian Family of 9 children that lost their father, Paul, to a heart attack twelve years ago.

6. When Ty Pennington, the Host of the tv show, yelled, “move that Bus,” the Pauni Family ran hopefully into the new house.

7. Meanwhile, just blocks away, a van and a car collided near the Walmart Store at 1550 North Maine Street in N. Logan.

8. The van driver was uninjured, but the driver of the Ford Escort, Amelia Earhart of 245 Elmhurst Cir., Losangeles, California, was transported by ambulence to the Hospital.

9. The time of the Accident was 2:00 p.m. this afternoon.

10. Earhart is a 19 year old Sophomore at U.S.U.

11. Although she grew up in the south, Earhart likes the cooler climate of Northern Utah.

12. At Utah State university Earhart is a Journalism Major. Hopefully she ll get a good grade in this Course.

13. Her favorite Professor is Theodore (Ted) Pease.

14. Pease has taught at USU since August 4, 1994.

15. He was born in Petersborough, New Hampshire, and now lives in Petersboro, UT. “Isnt that
a wierd coincidence, he asked?

16. It was such a weird coincidence that Peas was elected the Mayor of Petersboro, UT, in 2006. Attending his Inauguration were State and Federal Officials, including Utah Governor John Huntsman Junior, United States Senator Orrin Hatch R-Utah, and Condoleeza Rice, Secretary of Defense.

17. The event was held at Peases home on October 19, 2006.

18. Unfortunately, the festivities were marred when Squeaky Fromm a 22 year old Journalism Major from Tempe, Arizona, interrupted the event by shooting Pease 3 times with a forty-five caliber hand gun.

19. Enough!” everyone declared, moving to the Buffett line for cake and jello.